
A stable parking,

less is more.

A mobile picture, edited in snapseed to have this nice film - tilt shift look.

Portrait, Double exposure on very expired 9x12 film - mentor reflex studio, trioplan 210 3.5

A car is joining me - took with a kiev 88, volna 3 lens on a self made photo paper roll, hand held in a very bright day

a c41 roll developed in rodinal, a classic black and white developer.. some of the photos retained some strange colors, and didn't feel like to convert in black and white, since i find this very dreamy and poetic.. Stand development, 1 hr 30 min 3,5 ml rodinal

Well, there is a winter hat on that plant, even if is hard to see. Trust me, is there, and I haven't placed it myself. It was there. So, this is defenetly a Christmas Picture! Merry Christmas, or, for politically correct people, just Happy Merry Holydays! Took with a kiev 88 , vega 28b, foma 100 film. Scanned as a "color negative", and left it in colors, since black and white is not black and white for real. But this is another story