miniere creative

Despite I've been a REAL professor at Universities and art academy, I think that often the educational system is more focused about making money on students hopes, than guarantying them a real future...

 That's why, several years ago, I wrote this short ironical piece about an hypothetical Master Class called "creative mines" .

It's sounds almost too real to be a joke :

Have You ever been embarrassed when someone asks you: hey You, what is your job? I mean, how do You get a living? Are you not tired to respond: "well, I make things, I see people?"

The 90's were charged with false hopes about the future. The new-economy, if it ever existed, it is over. It's time to face the facts: You want a real job, You want to become a REAL man (or woman) .

Your academic papers are useless!!!! you need a MASTER in CREATIVE MINING MINERARY* DESIGN KURAGEART. The MASTER in MINING MINERARY* DESIGN KURAGEART focuses on the real world experience.

Thanks to more than 60,000 hours of workshops, you will learn FOR TRUE a REAL job. You will have the opportunity to become part of a young and creative and extremely dynamic international company, learning to work in a team, both in mining activities,AND in the construction of the URANIUM PYRAMID, an ambitious ,ironic and captivating art project .

The internship will be actually even paid , going to be a milestone in the process of your self-empowerment: STOP with porridge bowl from your mother, NOW ONLY healthy and fresh uranium dug by your own hands! What a satisfaction, FINALLY!

Become the protagonist of your own life, in the wonderful world of live performances by extracting uranium using your OWN hands!

Don't be a DUMB: REGISTER IMMEDIATELY TO THE SELECTIONS!! REGISTRATION ARE STILL OPEN * mining URANIUM, obviously ** membership in this group has the value of contract for an indefinite period. Are you happy eh, no more contract jobs!

immagini media
miniere creative, master in management minerario
miniere creative, master in management minerario
miniere creative, master in management minerario
miniere creative, master in management minerario