Electronic Art and Electronic Cigarette : A Very interesting parallelism.
As the traditional bohemian stereotyped artist is supposed to wear a scarf, and to smoke the pipe or some hand rolled cigarettes , The Electronic artist is supposed to vape the electronic cigarette.
This is a quote, so, is not something can be discussed.
Pure truth.
So, obviously, being an Electronic artist, I had to turn myself into an electronic cigarette vaper.
Honestly, after a white I switched to a butane powered device called "Iolite" , cause I didn't love the sweet taste of the e-liquid, and I'm fascinated by anything powered by Gas.
You can buy here , with a little discount.
I was also fascinated by the discover of Tumblr, and the re-discover of animated gif, abandoned so long ago , so I Selfied myself white I was smok vaping, to share this great achievement with the world, and Tumblr (my profile on kurageart.tumblr.com) By the way, I do not encourage anybody starting smoking.

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