Mobile pictures

artistic photography mobile phone
The best camera is the one You have with You

this was the title from  Chase Jarvis book.
So, in our modern lifes, is often a smartphone.
Quality isn't great, but we have to think that most of the research it have been in camera developement wasen't really about the quality, but about the convenience and the portability.
Nothing beats still today a 19 century 8x10 field camera in terms of quality.
But probably You won't have always with You.
I'm currently using a midrange telephone, an asus zenfone max.

The Electronic Cigarette

sigaretta elettronica metodologie

Electronic Art and Electronic Cigarette : A Very interesting parallelism.
As the traditional bohemian stereotyped artist is supposed to wear a scarf, and to smoke the pipe or some hand rolled cigarettes , The Electronic artist is supposed to vape the electronic cigarette.
This is a quote, so, is not something can be discussed.
Pure truth.
So, obviously, being an Electronic artist, I had to turn myself into an electronic cigarette vaper.

The Futurist Tekne today interview for the quarterly the Third Eye

I report an interesting interview about my work as an electronic artist by "Il terzo occhio", from the first issue of 2009

Odysseus and the Sirens (or the mermaids, maybe)

The Sirens in Greek mythology

Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, a wiser man.
We know all the pains that the Greeks and Trojans once endured on the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it so all that comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all! Odysseus was curious as to what the Sirens sang to him, so, on Circe's advice, he had all of his sailors plug their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast.
He ordered his men to leave him tied tightly to the mast, no matter how much he would beg.

Comets, solo exhibition from January 4, 2008

Digital Crib Show

Friday morning, at noon, we inaugurate the project comets to the bakers.
"Comets" is a work of digital animation in 3d, created by the artist Claudio Castelli and curated by Me (Mauro Papa).
It represents groups of virtual people who travel to the Nativity.
The three Kings, but not only: characters of the contemporary age and characters of the ancient age, in a timeless dimension.
Thanks to its technical features, the 3d installation is composed of heterogeneous versions that reflect different observation points and time phases.

Digital animation Techniques-Accademia di Bellearti di Brera

accademia belle arti di brera milano

Techniques of digital animation, a laboratory course at the Accademia di Brera, to introduce students to the creation of a digital animation, to free technique, starting from the theoretical bases, and introducing the use of 3d animation techniques through the Software Blender.
The course had a very laboratory imprint, had the duration of a semester, trying to follow and organize the creative ideas of students, and to guide them in the realization of their work.
I ignore the current fate of the course, I have not been reconfirmed, and I have returned to my usual activities.

Master New Media – New people. SantaGiulia Academy

logo accademia santa giulia brescia

Web Form Art-Advanced (new Media Master, new people) Accademia Santa Giulia, Brescia

rai-tgr NEAPOLIS

Tuesday, February 7 "IMAGINA" d'italie service of Adriano Albano see the sunrise on the quiet port of the Principality of Monaco is a privilege that more and more Italians are allowed.
Yes, because the number of our fellow citizens who have chosen, generally for tax opportunities, to take up the Monegasque residence is constantly growing.
Yet at the last "Imagina", Montecarlo's exhibition on digital animation, the Italian presence was reduced to light.

review on "shift magazine" (Japan)

This is an excellent piece of work. It is a good sample of futurism, cubism and expressionism. It creates new animation with picturesque reference, this work is abundant with color, expression and modern music.

It enables people to imagine the 'Metropolis - Fritz Lang' also the color and material from Paul Gauguin & Georges Rouault.

Eventually this is beautiful work that people fall into artistic interest.


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